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Factual Stories

New sexual experiences for couples, old or young, can start expectedly. Quite often even the most faithful relationships can take a new direction during a regular night out with friends, a weekend away, or when bumping into an attractive stranger. Swinging can start a new life or improve an existing relationship.

There's plenty of arousing encounters that have been discovered by swingers and confessed below for others in a similar situation to enjoy.

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During our first few chats he tells me he is a police officer- my mind starts racing about the fact he would have real handcuffs. This tiny piece of information turned me on something incredible. We arranged a daytime meet, while he was at work - on duty,...

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Beyond the realms of fun. (Pt 4) final chapter

Still reliving our explosive night together through our chat and sharing and resharing pics we took of the night. We were already looking forward to our next night together.. But that was two weeks away! The next weekend she had her kids so we settled for...

Score 15 15
313 Views 313
630 words 630 words


Beyond the realms of fun. (Pt 3)

So it's fair to say date 2 confirmed the attraction was there.. She's headed home to immediately aim to orgasm, while we have had sex not long after she left, talking about her the whole way through it.. Revisiting the 'what if' moments of the night we ju...

Score 15 15
345 Views 345
1.4k words 1.4k words


Beyond the realms of fun. (Pt 2)

So we received the message, normally it's us making first contact after a meet and with the timing she couldn't have even made it back home yet. It's a positive start! We all like to know where we sit after a meet right.. The fact she had messaged so quic...

Score 13 13
399 Views 399
1.3k words 1.3k words


Beyond the realms of fun. (Pt 1)

We joined KS some time ago with the intention of seeking a MFM. It's funny as you delve deeper into swinging how your tastes and preferences change as you find your feet and what does and doesn't work for you both. After having ticked off a few MFM's in o...

Score 14 14
489 Views 489
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First Meeting

The time had come where there was no easing it in, she knew, it was time to ram it in.

It was 15 years ago A Thursday evening the last hour or two of light, We had been chatting for some weeks. So it was time to meet in real life back then I wasn’t much of a catch or so I thought just had a major break down in my own marriage well least I w...

Nerves overcome

Cheating wife finally overcomes her nerves with a younger lover

Gun to my head, if I had to pick odds, I would have said 50/50. I knew she was nervous, she had been clear from her messaging all day that this was outside her usual realm of possibilities. ‘I don’t know if I should do this… I’m sorry’ came her message as...

My day with Abi

After the fishing trip

We first met when you joined my Playtoy M and I after we had been fishing a few weeks ago and you seemed to enjoy our 3 some fun. I was very surprised when you sent me a picture of you completely naked and one hand holding your pussy open and being visibl...

A nice day out fishing Part 2

After we got back on land

We pulled into A's acreage and you took the fish inside while A showed me where everything was to clean the boat. She had a wicked little smile on her face and said she hoped I would enjoy the recipe she had planned for dinner. I grinned back at her and a...

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A nice day fishing

Our day out on the water Part 1

I arrived at your place with the trailer attached and ran up to help you with a few things you wanted to bring fishing. I knocked on the door to find you totally naked and on your knees. You had my cock in your mouth in a flash and pretty quickly swallowe...

Hanmer experience

Blindfolded on display

Hanmer True story. Dan came out of the bathroom. A small smirk on his face. He walked over to me and blindfolded me. Then taking my hand he walked me towards the veranda. Oh. I meant to say. I’m naked at this point. He slowly opens the door and leads me o...

The Drive Home

When I serviced you while your husband serviced my car

I jumped into your car at your husbands work yard and we took off. As soon as we got around the corner, you pulled over and told me to get into the drivers seat. Once we were back into traffic you released your massive tits, pulled down your panties and p...


At the end of day 2 as we were walking back to the hotel Diane said to me you were very well behaved today, I have a reward for you. We decided to make an excuse to the others that we were just going to both catch up with friends so wouldn’t be in the res...

Score 12 12
632 Views 632
419 words 419 words

I hadn't seen Diane for over 35 years. We had gone to primary school together, lived around the corner from each other and used to walk to school together. My brother and her brother were a similar age so at weekends and after school we also hung out a bi...

Score 17 17
733 Views 733
896 words 896 words

Massage time

Wife gives her boyfriend a massage

I hadn't seen my boyfriend for a few weeks and I was dying to see him, touch him, taste him. He said he had had a massive walk on the weekend and his body was feeling a bit sore and, being a massage therapist, I offered to massage his aches and pains away...

Score 15 15
929 Views 929
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