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Erotic Stories

Exploring your own erotic fantasies or a partner's sexual imagination can be a liberating experience. Sensualising with one another can truly add that extra spark between the sheets and change everyday sex into a passionate mind-blowing pleasure.

Erotic experiences in swinging include dressing up roleplay, adding another person into the bedroom and group gangbangs.

Explore our erotica collections below and share your own pleasures.

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Who Is In Control?

Nothing is sexier than a man in control and losing self control

He tells me to lie on my back, he’s staring down at me. An unwavering look, it’s intense. He doesn’t need to use words to tell me to be still and to just take him. His face flinches slightly as he enters me. I gasp with relief that he’s finally inside me...

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Who Is In Control?

Nothing is sexier than a man in control and losing self control

He tells me to lie on my back, he’s staring down at me. An unwavering look, it’s intense. He doesn’t need to use words to tell me to be still and to just take him. His face flinches slightly as he enters me. I gasp with relief that he’s finally inside me...



Submit to the Taste

She stood before him, wearing that dress she liked, white, always white. Buttons undone to her thigh, maybe a bit too high. Undone from the top showing a touch of what lay beneath. The sleeves that slopped off the shoulder. He sat there approvingly, arrog...

Score 18 18
497 Views 497
632 words 632 words

Not a Good Girl

Inexplicably she opened her mouth and mimicked the act of sucking a cock.

She stood at her bedroom mirror blushing. It had taken little effort to climb into the shiny black latex dress and the look had caught her by surprise. This was by far the most risqué outfit she had ever worn. It wrapped tightly against her, every contour...

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Slip and Slide

Beneath the blindfold she squeezed her eyes shut tight and bit at her lip....

Her smooth right leg was last to be tied to the wooden bed post. It completed his task of securing her. She lay face down, naked, blindfolded and splayed like a welcoming star. The side swell of her breasts were visible, squeezed beneath her body, her pus...

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She kept her body still, despite the overwhelming urge to grab his head and fuck his tongue back...

The mattress of his day bed finished just below the sill of the large window. The rain hit the glass then turned to droplets that ran the length of the pane crisscrossing and creating random patterns as they made there way down. Two stories below she watc...

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Short thoughts 1#

Where my mind was at whilst thinking of you..

Short thoughts 1# I’m rock hard right now. I want you to kneel in front of me and take me in your mouth. I want to pull your hair tightly and kiss your neck. I want to kneel behind you and reach around and finger you whilst you watch yourself in the mirro...

Score 5 5
360 Views 360
96 words 96 words

I struggled to get to sleep after all of our moreish conversation ! I've woken up utterly dripping with very vivid sex thoughts of exactly what I want to happen with you and I ,,,,, I'd love to sit on a sofa in a short skirt between you and another man We...

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1.2k Views 1.2k
515 words 515 words

The Beach

Just a weekend at the beach

Upon getting back to the batch, we toss our clothes onto a chair near the fireplace. Our bodies are still damp from the dip in the sea, and she is shivering slightly. She decides to take a shower and heads for the bathroom. "How about a drink to help warm...

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The dream

Was the dream a memory or a fantasy?

I dreamed of you again last night... It is my fault; I was looking at your pictures again just before I went to bed, mmm, those eyes, those breasts! It was a lovely dream. As you are in my dreams, I think that it is only fair to try and let you know what...

Score 3 3
108 Views 108
4.0k words 4.0k words

Bath Time

There is a soft knock on the bathroom door.  I try to speak, maybe to allow his admittance, maybe to refuse; I don't know.

As I lie here in my bath the warm water swirls around my body relaxing me, yet exciting me at the same time. My husband sits in a chair by the side of the tub watching me and smiling. At first, he called me a loose deviant for wanting to go through with m...

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Looking at the toy draw, and realizing one sad thing.. We are going to be away from each other for the next 2 week or so, and it was so punishing, when you get so used to hanging out and seeing each other each weekend, and having awesome kinky sex togethe...

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I made contact with her on her and we started sexting about what each other were into. Another guy was coming to her house to fuck her and she knew I liked Mmf so she texted me her address. I drove out and waited outside her house and she said she would a...

I love holidays but hate the flying part. It’s not that I’m afraid of flying it’s just that I find it very boring. Sitting still in a tin can for three hours is about my limit. Of course if I had a partner in crime I’m sure I could last longer and make it...

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The naughty games we play

Warning... cnc play may trigger!!!

This is a game hubby and I like to play.... all consensual. It's a warm afternoon, the breeze is softly blowing, moving the curtains. I'm asleep, breathing gently, silently under the sheet, on my side, hair gently across my pillow. I don't notice the curt...

Step One: Give it a Go

“Sex in space is not just a good idea, it’s survival.” – Vanna Bonta

Male arousal would be more challenging in space, though it could still technically be possible" – Millis "Vaginal wetness could be an issue as the fluid - like sweat and tears - will tend to pool at the location of secretion in the absence of gravity. Thi...

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