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Women's Sexual Health Checks

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Do You Look After Yourself?

57 votes remaining
I Get Regular STI Checks / Smears etc (81 votes) 142%
I havnt had an STI Check (2 votes) 4%
Sex God
Kiwi Swingers Logo 1 like
So the men have a health check post and following on from that I think us women should too!
So which ladies get their tests done regularly ? how regularly ? Do you go for regular STI checks? Do you currently practice safe sex? Do you have a contigency plan in place for unwanted pregnancy ? ( all hard questions i am sure but well worth thinking about considering the fun we all enjoy partaking in on the site)
Do you know where to go for sexual health related help in your area?

(If anyone knows of any other great clinics in your area feel free to post them up here too !)
On a recent trip to Family PLanning I was told some info that I found a lil scary - Did you know that some STI's such as Chlamydia are apparently making a huge comeback in the Auckland area ? Chlamydia (and other STI's )can of course lead to Pelvic Inflamatory Disease. PID can render a lady infterile amongst other things.
Lets all look after ourselves too ladies so we can continue the fun we have on KS and in real life too !
Kiwi Swingers Logo 1 like
This is a topic I am passionate about, and I hope a great deal of discussion can come from it Here's some info just off the top of my head.... Every 3 years minimum for a cervical smear test, or if it's your first test, you will require one a year later, then 3 yearly if they are both normal. You do not need your first smear until you are 20. A smear is NOT the same as an STI screen. You will have to say that you want an STI screen when you go for your smear, if you require both. If you have had unprotected sex, wait 3 weeks before having an STI screen, as it can take this long for some STI's to show up on tests. STI's are on the increase, and vary region to region. Trichomonas and Syphillis that were almost eradicated in NZ, and are now on the rise. Some STI's are easily treated with Antibiotics, some will stay with you for life. The only 100% safe sex is no sex...and well this is a swingers site, so lets be realistic ;) Condoms, and dental dams are our only way of protecting ourselves. And remember just because a sex partner tells you they are 'clean and or safe' you never really know. Food for thought.
Sex God
Kiwi Swingers Logo 0 likes
thanks HB for the added info and for the support on the post I personally think these topics shouldnt be taboo , everyone has personal choice and i dont think anyone here is in a position to judge , so if you want to just vote thats fine but if you want to speak up please feel free too !
Warming the Bed
Kiwi Swingers Logo 1 like
sti tests every 12 months or more at times ,inculding full bloods for hiv and hep c and smears every 3 years, why wouldnt women or couples test themselves to make sure they are clean and healthy, hell ill gladly show anyone who wants to see it ,in the us hookers carry sti clearence cards for there johns to check,
Warming the Bed
Kiwi Swingers Logo 0 likes
i test often just like WWK. some sexual health clinics have late nights and/or wkend appointments too, so there is no excuse. i also have a jadelle device that lasts 5 yrs under the skin in my arm just to make sure of no more little ones. And after many years of problems with endometriosis i know how important it is to look after yourself.
F.Y.I. if u do get the HIV test as well (sometimes you have to ask for this one as well) they will ask you to come back in for the results. Dont be alarmed it's just medical policy because if its positive they really have to talk to you. and it can take up to 3mths to show up in a test after unprotected sex.
your sexual health checks do not have to be forwared to your GP either. it is completely within your privacy rights to keep these tests seperate with a sexual health clinic. the staff are all bound by privacy rights and cannot even tell your partner what your results are.
if you can't afford to pay for the Dr visit remember it is cheaper with a comunity services card. and if you are really hard up to pay for it then look into being a GTA (Gynalogical Training Assistant) for family planning. Im not sure if they need anymore right now, but these ladies act as patients for medical students to do smears and tests on so they can get qualified. as a GTA u have to give them feedback on their service too.
Kiwi Swingers Logo 0 likes
You should be tested regular and as when we get near menopause our bodies change so need sexual checks then too,also if you are meds make sure you get checks as they can change the bacterial properties in vagina and you can get bacterial vagniosis,which is a fishy odour after sex,it needs too be treated with antibotics.
Warming the Bed
Kiwi Swingers Logo 1 like
The other thing that is not talked widely in the Lifestyle is the HPV vaccine. It can prevent some of the most common STI's especially genatile warts and lots of cancers including cervical, throat, and anus cancers - which actually start out as STI. My doctor knowing my lifestyle choices suggested I get it. It was three easy jabbed done over a year. It did cost but for the piece of mind it is worth it.
Warming the Bed
Kiwi Swingers Logo 0 likes
[quote:da0c300825="sexyaussiecpl"]The other thing that is not talked widely in the Lifestyle is the HPV vaccine. It can prevent some of the most common STI's especially genatile warts and lots of cancers including cervical, throat, and anus cancers - which actually start out as STI. My doctor knowing my lifestyle choices suggested I get it. It was three easy jabbed done over a year. It did cost but for the piece of mind it is worth it.[/quote:da0c300825] would love the name of the drug ,cost etc thanks trish
Kiwi Swingers Logo 0 likes
The nurse at Family Planning told me that 70-80% of the sexually active population is already infected with the Human Papilloma virus so I'm not sure of the point of getting vaccinated as an adult unless you know you don't have it. they only test for it if you have an abnormal smear result. The vaccine is called Gardisil.
Warming the Bed
Kiwi Swingers Logo 0 likes
I had the shots done in Australia and the cost was around $140 aussie dollars for the lots of them. I have never returned an abnormal smear so my doctor said that because of my lifestyle choices I was the perfect candidate for the injections.
Kiwi Swingers Logo 0 likes
play it safe i say. get checked as often as i feel i have to.
Kiwi Swingers Logo 0 likes
...did you all know that unsafe oral sex is any time you have oral sex without a dental dam?.... you can get the HSV-1 virus ( coldsores) genitally even if the person you are with at the time is not showing the symptom of a cold sore.. I am sure that there are a lot of swingers parties out there not quite operating "safely"
Kiwi Swingers Logo 0 likes
Thats a fairly safe assumption. Especially when it comes to oral sex. Not often the "latex" taste is welcomed.
Kiwi Swingers Logo 0 likes
lol roots and did u know oral without using dental dams or giving a blowjob without condom can also transfur the old S.T.I... as well as kissing the shit is air born, its y have have the simple rules of no guy eating me out and i dont kiss..... rules bent for girls though smile
Forum Virgin
Kiwi Swingers Logo 0 likes
Would like to hear others thoughts on possible transmission through oral.2 different docs have told me its unlikely to impossible for this to happen,they were from different young female the other older male,to the point they advised not to have any tests! which I had to insist on. What are others thinking.
Kiwi Swingers Logo 0 likes
this is true it is unlickely because most people will not use protection and have only one sexual partner. unless the doctors know u are a swinger, he/she might have a different oppinion, as we often use protection during sex but not during oral.... so it is more licely to have it in just your mouth and not other places, well thats what my doc says and he knows about my life style. And rather be safe than sorry if u ask me so when i get a check i just say mouth too please mate lol
Warming the Bed
Kiwi Swingers Logo 1 like
The sad truth is this... straight from the Doc at ASH (Auckland Sexual Health)... The 'standard' checks are for HIV, Syphilis, G, Hep A/B/C... what they can't check for is Trich (in men), Herpes (unless you have symptoms). Herpes, although annoying, is essentially harmless (except for the emotional harm). Heh - with herpes 1 in 3 women, 1 in 4 men have it. Most (over 80%) have no idea they have it and show no symptoms - plus, to make matters worse, condoms are only partially effective (one Doc said - essentially useless against Herpes - especially HSV-1 - the oral variety). As swingers, we all have to be aware the risks we take in this lifestyle. And yes - for me, checks every 3 months are a must! Even had a blood test for Herpes - neg of course! For men, Trich is never tested for... if you know you have been exposed, a heavy dose of anti-biotics is given. Women are routinely screened, by swabs, for Trich and Herpes if admitted to hospital for any 'woman' issues. Sometimes you are not even told - unless it is a positive result. And yes, as a Club owner, I have researched this issue in depth.
Sex God
Kiwi Swingers Logo 0 likes
thank you so much for weighing in on this. As a club owner I am sure everyone here really values your knowledge and opinion on this. mwahhhh [quote: ="Club_sparty"]The sad truth is this... straight from the Doc at ASH (Auckland Sexual Health)... The 'standard' checks are for HIV, Syphilis, G, Hep A/B/C... what they can't check for is Trich (in men), Herpes (unless you have symptoms). Herpes, although annoying, is essentially harmless (except for the emotional harm). Heh - with herpes 1 in 3 women, 1 in 4 men have it. Most (over 80%) have no idea they have it and show no symptoms - plus, to make matters worse, condoms are only partially effective (one Doc said - essentially useless against Herpes - especially HSV-1 - the oral variety). As swingers, we all have to be aware the risks we take in this lifestyle. And yes - for me, checks every 3 months are a must! Even had a blood test for Herpes - neg of course! For men, Trich is never tested for... if you know you have been exposed, a heavy dose of anti-biotics is given. Women are routinely screened, by swabs, for Trich and Herpes if admitted to hospital for any 'woman' issues. Sometimes you are not even told - unless it is a positive result. And yes, as a Club owner, I have researched this issue in depth.[/quote: ]
Kiwi Swingers Logo 1 like
Three monthly or Six monthly depending on ur sexual activity. And after a condom break I'm an idiot; ive had unprotective sex with someone I care for Then got tested Relieved to be all clear but did things in the wrong order The hard thing is saying "I really like u; but do u mind getting tested with me and showing me ur results" Pussy and ass need a "Condoms only" sign. I'm hepB immune - its a killer Good to get bloods to see if u have the immunities (3 shots if u are not immune)
Warming the Bed
Kiwi Swingers Logo 0 likes
Thank you ladies, being new to this lifestyle "virgins'" you could say, mr and I have been talking about these subjects, wondering how you even approach the subject of "are you clean?". So family planning will do all the tests that we will require for a clean bill of sex life?? And what's a dental dam? It doesn't sound very nice. Do woman use diaphragms anymore?
Kiwi Swingers Logo 0 likes
Kiwi Swingers Logo 1 like
[quote:7f075d2812="Just4Funk"]Thank you ladies, being new to this lifestyle "virgins'" you could say, mr and I have been talking about these subjects, wondering how you even approach the subject of "are you clean?". So family planning will do all the tests that we will require for a clean bill of sex life?? And what's a dental dam? It doesn't sound very nice. Do woman use diaphragms anymore?[/quote:7f075d2812] Hey ya Swinger Virgin (Virgin no; Swinger Virgin yes but not for long) Women do use diaphrams One got trolleyed and thought id pulled it out when i was having dinner why the heck would i pull that thing out not as if it had shrimps on it or anything. silly trollop - i was the sober one hahahahahaha silly trollop - i was the sober one
Warming the Bed
Kiwi Swingers Logo 0 likes
[quote:1d999829c5="Sooz"]SEXUAL HEALTH CLINICS ARE FREE FOR CHECKS TELEPHONE FOR BOOKINGS AS THE CLINICS MAY NOT BE OPEN MON TO FRI (INFORMATION AS AT 20TH APRIL) WEST AUCKLAND 2ND FLOOR 362 GREAT NORTH ROAD HENDERSON 836-0838 GREENLANE BUILDING 7 3RD FLOOR GREENLANE WEST 630-9770 SOUTH AUCKLAND 12 WADDON PLACE MANGERE NEXT TO MANGERE HEALTH CENTRE 255-5172 NORTH SHORE CNR PEACH AND GLENFIELD ROAD 443-9580[/quote:1d999829c5] Sadly - no more. Went for my usual checks and got told that unless you have symptoms, they will refuse to do the tests. The Doc, who was very rude I might add, said it was a 'Business Model Change'. Told me to go to my GP for 'checks'. Ah well.
Kiwi Swingers Logo 0 likes
Sadly - no more. Went for my usual checks and got told that unless you have symptoms, they will refuse to do the tests. The Doc, who was very rude I might add, said it was a 'Business Model Change'. Told me to go to my GP for 'checks'. Ah well.
I went to glenfield about 2 weeks ago
Didn't have symptoms
They booked me in. No questions
They did what was expected
The doc u saw sounds like a prat
Kiwi Swingers Logo 0 likes
Sexual Health Service Phone 07 839 8732. 3 Ohaupo Rd., Hamilton Lake, Hamilton. We offer: Telephone information and advice. Free screening and treatment for sexually transmitted diseases and HIV Free condoms Friendly & non-judgemental specialist staff Clinics are by appointment Monday to Friday at differing times. Please ring for an appointment. Please check the website for a campus map.
Kiwi Swingers Logo 0 likes
I wouldn't get the vaccine personally...I'm completely against them but that's a whole other issue. Do your research before injecting that toxic rubbish into you
Warming the Bed
Kiwi Swingers Logo 0 likes
power too you sis I dont much like the phamacy vaccines myself dodgy azz!!! I get my tests done at Greenlane as the nurses are real nice. But in saying that I had too go back again last time cos the nurse didnt cheack deep enough soo the second time It hurt like hell but it got done properly thank goodness I didnt much enjoy the clap witch is very much on the come back with how popular fucking around has become.
Kiwi Swingers Logo 0 likes
I was getting them done after every partner that was unprotected. 10 years of swinging and have never had a thing. No I am not careless. I did pick something up from my ex fiance and things did not go well at all. Have been testing since i started having sex and know them inside and out. Sifty... what is the "old sti" that you speak of? It sucks that there are people out that in this community who have never been tested - I gave them a royal arse kicking for not looking after themselves. I prefer to have a long standing fb so if that is the case then I would get tested 3 monthly. Its not that hard to do. fit it in with other stuff of going to the dr too if you need to. You are paying for the gp service anyway. Dental dams are a square piece of latex that come in flavours designed for covering male or female genitals for oral. You can buy them at chemists i think. No I wouldn't get the vaccine. There hasnt been enough testing to know what the health benefits and complications are from it. I would also like to point out that coldsores are also part of the chickenpox virus. Just can't get away from them.
Kiwi Swingers Logo 0 likes
Thank you ladies - it's been interesting reading all your comments. We've just recently joined this lifestyle and I've been wondering what others are doing. It's all abit scary but at the same time I/we can't not want what we want.
Warming the Bed
Kiwi Swingers Logo 2 likes

As a health professional you should get test before being sexual with a new partner. They also should too. Then you should be tested every time you have unprotected sexual encounters. STI are transferred from all unprotected oral, vaginal, and anal sex. As women we are at very hight risk of getting STI during oral sex. Yes like most women I love this too. Be safe ladies. Xx